Refund policy

Early Cancellations
Full Refund Policy
100% Refund

If you need to cancel your enrollment, you can receive a full refund. A 100% refund of the course fees is available if you cancel up to 30 days before the program starts. This gives you peace of mind and flexibility, ensuring that you can withdraw without any financial penalty if your plans change within this timeframe.

Later Cancellations
Partial Refund Policy
75% Refund

For cancellations made after the program has started, you can still receive a partial refund. We offer a 75% refund of the tuition fees on a prorated basis. The refund amount depends on how many sessions remain in the program. This ensures you get fair compensation even if you need to withdraw partway through the course.

how it works
Example of Prorated Refund
How Prorated Refunds Work

Here's an example to illustrate our prorated refund policy: Suppose the program fees are $1,500 and you decide to cancel after attending 7 out of 14 weeks. Since you have completed half of the program, 75% of the remaining $750 can be refunded. This means you would receive a $562.50 refund. This example demonstrates how our prorated refund system ensures you are fairly reimbursed for the unused portion of the course.


Didn’t find your answer? Fell free to contact us!

What age/grade levels is the program for?

Do you offer internship support?

What type of certification do I receive?

What is Disco?

What happens if I am not enjoying the program?

How do I apply?

How does financial assistance work?

Can I participate from anywhere?

What language is the program offered in?

What happens if I miss a session?