Program fees and financial assistance

March 1, 2024

Program Fees and Financial Assistance

The fees for NextGen EDU's AI program are $2,000 USD (or $2,700 CAD). Fees are due before the start of the program and can be paid via credit card. We, however, believe that financial situations should not be a barrier when it comes to learning more about AI. Therefore, we are excited to also offer the opportunity for any applicant to apply for financial assistance.

How to apply for NextGen EDU's AI Program

The application process for NextGen EDU is very simple. Click Apply anywhere on the site (including here -> Apply) to launch the application form. Once in the form, you are only 8 questions away from officially applying for the NextGen EDU program.

How to Apply for Financial Assistance

Within the application form, you will be asked if you wish to apply for financial assistance. Simply answer yes if you are interested in applying for financial assistance. If you are accepted into the program and have selected "yes" in wanting to apply for financial assistance, someone from our team will reach out to collect tax forms to determine if you meet our criteria for financial assistance. If you do, you will receive an offer within two weeks from the time of submitting tax forms. This offer for scholarship will come either as a 25% coverage of tuition, 50%, 75% or 100%. Financial assistance is offered on a needs basis only. Those who do not meet our financial assistance criteria may not be given an offer for financial assistance. If your offer for financial assistance is not sufficient you can also apply for further financial assistance that will be granted to individuals depending on the amount remaining in our scholarship fund.

Financial assistance is provided out of a limited scholarship fund. If you wish to join the NextGen EDU program and know you will be requiring financial assistance please apply as soon as you can for the best chance to be given an offer.

How to Accept the Offer for Financial Assistance and Join the Program

If you are ready to join the program and accept your scholarship offer simply sign and return the scholarship offer form. Once this form has been completed and returned you will be provided with a link to join the program on the Disco platform as well as a discount code towards tuition equal to the amount of scholarship funds awarded.

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